
Showing posts from December, 2017

Quranic requirements for marriage

Quranic requirements for marriage A number of requirements are mentioned in the Quran for marriage, they are: 1- The couple must both be at the age of marriage. 2- Believers may not marry disbelievers or mushrikeen. 3- The couple must make a genuine commitment to one another. 4- The marriage must be declared. 5- The marriage must be contracted. 6- The marriage must be intended as a permanent bond. 7- The man must pay a dowry to his bride. FIRST: The age of marriage You shall test the orphans when they reach the age of marriage. Then if you find them mature enough, you shall pay them their money. Do not consume it wastefully or quickly before they grow up. Those who are rich shall not charge any wage, and whoever is poor can charge equitably.When you pay them their money, you shall have witnesses. God suffices as Reckoner. 4:6 This Quranic verse clearly speaks of an age of marriage and links it to being “mature enough“. The key Arabic word “balaghu“, which means reaching pub