
Human rights in Islam

According to the Quran, dignity of the children of Adam is a divine bestowal which is to be secured by all means, including the law and the state authorities, and is to be defended by all forces: [Quran 17:70] We have honored the children of Adam, and provided them with rides on land and in the sea. We provided for them good provisions, and we gave them greater advantages than many of our creatures. What distinguishes humans from many other creatures is mainly their intellect and their free will to choose between doing good and doing evil. To fulfill a human potential, all obstacles and pressures must be removed from the way, and all means should be secured to maintain and develop our humanity. The dignity bestowed on humans in the Quran must be defended. It is the individual, social and universal responsibility of Muslims to guard human rights because oppression is an obstruction of God's will in His creation: [Quran 28:83] We reserve the abode of the Hereafter for those

Is the Burqa truly Islamic

Is the Burqa truly Islamic? By Umar Kaboji  The Islamic world is experiencing a rise in women wearing the burqa claiming it to be part of the Islamic dress code. Whether it is worn by choice or force is open to debate as very few women are able to, or prefer not to voice an opinion on the matter. Those who have, generally argue against the compulsory (by law as in Afghanistan) wearing of this garment with a minority claiming the right to wear it citing Quranic and prophetic instruction. A burqa is an outer garment worn by women in Islamic societies for the purpose of concealing their bodies and/or face. It is mostly worn when a woman leaves her home and is compelled to wear it until she returns. The burqa is worn throughout Middle Eastern nations and most Muslim nations around the world, with a few liberal or democratic governments being less strict about its use. One such famous example is Turkey, where secular ideas prevail and give people the freedom to choose. Meanwhile, in str

Quranic requirements for marriage

Quranic requirements for marriage A number of requirements are mentioned in the Quran for marriage, they are: 1- The couple must both be at the age of marriage. 2- Believers may not marry disbelievers or mushrikeen. 3- The couple must make a genuine commitment to one another. 4- The marriage must be declared. 5- The marriage must be contracted. 6- The marriage must be intended as a permanent bond. 7- The man must pay a dowry to his bride. FIRST: The age of marriage You shall test the orphans when they reach the age of marriage. Then if you find them mature enough, you shall pay them their money. Do not consume it wastefully or quickly before they grow up. Those who are rich shall not charge any wage, and whoever is poor can charge equitably.When you pay them their money, you shall have witnesses. God suffices as Reckoner. 4:6 This Quranic verse clearly speaks of an age of marriage and links it to being “mature enough“. The key Arabic word “balaghu“, which means reaching pub

Is stoning to death the punishment for adultery in Islam? If yes, then why? If no, then what's the actual punishment?

Is stoning to death the punishment for adultery in Islam? If yes, then why? If no, then what's the actual punishment? The punishment of stoning finds absolutely NO support from the Quran (Islam's primary and ultimate authority), and hence cannot not be a God-ordained directive. Allow me to make three points which I believe will better get my answer across.: Point 1: Let us bear in mind that Allah (God) has Himself referred to the Quran as a scripture "fully-detailed / explained in detail" (see: Quran 6:114) and "clear explanation of all things" (see: Quran 16:89; 20:133). For a book to be "fully-detailed / explained in detail" it would logically make sense, then, that said book would contain ALL the details and info so fundamental to the religion and for our guidance as well as the manner in which to perform them. So in the case of the Quran, when Allah refers to it is a book "fully-detailed / explained in detail", it logically makes


THE DAJJAL (ANTICHRIST) AND MAHDI, ARE THEY A MYTH? It has come to our attention that many people are in fact apprehensive of the coming of the Dajjal and Mahdi, with each generation suspecting the Mahdi and Dajjal to emerge in their time. However if we take a closer look into all of the Hadith concerning both the Dajjal and Mahdi, along with a bit of logic and understanding, we will come to realize that the Dajjal and Mahdi are in fact mere ideas that will never come into reality. Let us start off with the Dajjal: What is he, where is he, and when will he come to our world? We get all of these answers only from so called Hadith that the Prophet stated. There are hundreds of Hadith on the Dajjal, and what we will do is reveal some of them and conduct an analysis along with logic to decipher whether the Dajjal is a myth, or a reality. WHO IS THE DAJJAL? The following Hadith give us an idea: Narrated Muhammad bin Al-Munkadir: I saw Jabir bin ‘Abdullah swearing by Allah that Ibn Say

Will a soul be credited from the deeds of another?

Will a soul be credited from the deeds of another? The Quran says: God asserts the fact that no soul will be accountable to the sins of another, and equally that no soul will be credited from the deeds of another. In other words, each soul will be held accountable only to what it has done. “Every soul is responsible only for his/her own work” 53:39 “……….. no soul benefits except from its own work …..” 6:164 Hadith attributed to the prophet: In spite of these firm assurances from God, there are hadith that quote the prophet declaring that one can observe Hajj on behalf of others (whether they are dead or alive)! and that one can give Zakat on behalf of them and also fast on behalf of them! In other words, these hadith cancel all the content of 53:39 and 6:164 and declares that despite what these Quranic ayat say that one can still benefit and be credited on Judgement Day from the work of another! Bukhari, Volume 2, Book 26, Number 589: Narrated ‘Abdullah bin Abbas: “Al-Fadl (his

Can the devil bring physical harm or hardship upon the believers?

Can the devil bring physical harm or hardship upon the believers? This question has been debated by many over time and although the Quranic verdict is clear about this issue yet many are not aware of it. Many believers believe that Satan and the devils can actually bring physical harm upon the believers. However the Quran confirms that this is not possible. Perhaps many have been inclined to this belief as a result of reading how the prophet Ayyub (Job) complained to God saying that the devil has caused him lots of harm. “Remember our servant Ayyub (Job): he called upon his Lord, “The devil has afflicted me with hardship and pain” 38:41 It appears from Ayyub’s complaint that the devil has actually caused him pain and hardship. Many will say that Ayyub was a prophet of God so he would know the truth. However, messengers of God are ordinary men who are just as fallible as anyone else. They too could misunderstand any issue or event they may experience. The case of Abraham when he t