Islam (Submission in English)

Islam (Submission in English)

Islam (Submission in English) is an old religion, older than the prophet Muhammed. Islam (Submission) was founded by Abraham. See Quran, 22:78, 3:67-68, and 16:123.It is through Abraham that all of Islam's religious practices were revealed. 2:127-128.

The Prophet Muhammed was a messenger of God and the Final Prophet who brought the Final message, Quran, to the world, 33:40.
God told the believers that His book, the Quran is complete, perfect and fully detailed, see 6:19, 6:38, 6:114, & 12:111. God reminded them that He does not run out of words, and if He so willed He could have given us more than one Quran , if He would have deemed it necessary, see 18:109 and 31:27
God, the Knower of all things, the Cognizant, knows that after the death of the Prophet Muhammed people will invent lies about the prophet and call it Hadiths and Sunna. God, ahead of all of them used the word Hadith in the Quran. God gave His true believers a strong start with the word Hadith and He told them which Hadith they should accept, the HADITH OF GOD ONLY. The word Hadith has been used several times in the Quran ( about 31 times in different forms, 18 of them with the exact word HADITH). None of the good hadiths in the Quran refer to what the Muslims nowadays believe is Muhammed's Hadiths. The word Sunna in the Quran never referred to Muhammed's sunna. 


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